美利固 |Very Good Paint

Logo、名片及信封設計 | Visual Design


馮潔欣 Kityan/ 馮淑婷 Catherine/ 林政翰 Pan

Logo設計 ⊹ 名片設計 ⊹ 信封設計

以油漆滾筒作LOGO MARK的主體,把刷痕以俐落的線條延伸成大姆指的造型,與品牌名字「VERY GOOD」互相呼應,配上清新沉穩的綠色,遠看就像一隻綠色的小火把,把永續的理念傳遞出去。在品牌標準字的處理上,使用較粗跟方的線條讓人有安穩、值得信靠的感覺,把「GOOD」中的「O」結合成代表永續的無限符號,以表達品牌及其產品的永續理念。

The logo mark is composed of a paint roller, thumbs-up and the brush stokes, represents the brand name “Very Good Paint”. Designed with a calm green makes the logo looks like a green torch, symbolizing the brand value of promoting sustainable paints. The typography features bold and square lines, evoking a sense of stability and reliability. The “O” in “GOOD” is merged with the infinity symbol to represent sustainability, highlighting the brand’s commitment to enduring values and eco-friendly products.

商標設計 Logo design
商標設計 Logo design
商標設計 Logo design
辦公用品應用 Stationary
設計細節 Design detail
名片設計 Business card design
信封設計 Envelope design