無負擔農場 |UFD Farm

包裝設計 | Packaging Design

無負擔農場 UFD Farm

馮淑婷 Catherine/ 馮潔欣 Kityan


一家人胼手在 畚箕窩 開闢一畝夢土,
耕. 土地的承諾 / 種. 環境的執著 / 耘. 家鄉的眷戀 / 藏. 文化的傳承

無負擔農場三代堅持有機農法,稻香、鴨聲、蛙鳴、蟲語,一點一滴把生物多樣性種回來。 相信作物的美妙風味來自健康的土壤與生態, 認為讓人無負擔地享用大自然的禮贈是農人最光榮的職責。稻鴨共生農法,希望包裝設計把品牌的價值和農場不同的產品傳遞到消費者手中,在包裝設計上思考低碳環保的方法,貫徹無負擔的理念。

UFD Farm is an organic rice farm. They believe wonderful flavors come from healthy and sustainable environment. They put a lot of effort to take care of the land, hope to sustain the biodiversity. Considering to convey the brand’s values in the packaging design, The designs imply reduce and recycle concepts. And echoes the idea of a “burden-free” farm, which is the translation of its name.

有機米提袋包裝設計 Rice packaging design
有機米提袋包裝設計 Rice packaging design
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包裝設計 Packaging design
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