新竹市農村再生成果展 |The Exhibition of Rural Rejuvenation Projects

戶外展覽與主視覺設計 | Exhibition Design


馮潔欣 Kityan/ 馮淑婷 Catherine

活動主視覺設計 ⊹ 展覽設計 ⊹ 市集設計

指導單位 – 文化部
主辦單位 – 新竹市政府
展區 – 新竹市社造聯合成果展「風城社造•不設罩」-「風•農再」

新竹市擁有丘陵、平原、 河川及海洋等豐富地形地貌,東北季風越過山脈, 順著新竹山勢而下時,帶來島嶼聞名的九降風。在這個歷史悠久、人文薈萃的文化科技城市,有著最豐饒的地方農產與風土滋味。

社造聯合成果展聯合文化局、產業發展處、環境保護局、教育處、社會處及都市發展處等六大局處及三區公所共同辦理,以「風城社造·不設罩」為題,象徵著居民敢於挑戰傳統思維,尋找新的解決方案和創意。成果展一共規劃 6 大展區,「風. 農再」讓民眾體驗農再社區豐富的手作鮮採與風土滋味,設計使用了新竹市豐富的在地物產、生態和地貌,展現出社區的強韌生命力。

Hsinchu City possesses diverse geographical features including hills, plains, rivers, and oceans. Monsoon brings the famous “Winds of September” to the island every year. In this city of technology, come and discover local agricultural products and regional flavors. The Joint Exhibition of Community Projects is organized by Cultural Affairs Bureau, Industrial Development Bureau, Environmental Protection Bureau, Education Bureau, Social Affairs Bureau, and Urban Development Bureau, along with three district offices. The exhibition features 6 main zones. The “Wind of Rural Rejuvenation” zone brings local agricultural products from different community. The visual design incorporate illustration of Hsinchu City’s local food, animals and scene, revel the resilience and vitality of the city.

展覽主視覺設計 Exhibition visual design
攤位設計 Exhibition booth design
展覽主視覺設計 Exhibition visual design
展覽主視覺設計 Exhibition visual design
攤位設計 Exhibition booth design
桌布插畫 Illustration
社區手拿牌設計 Props design