極島挑戰Team Building |Team Building in Mission Island

活動產品設計 | Activity Product Design


馮潔欣 Kityan/ 馮淑婷 Catherine

產品設計 ⊹ 視覺設計 ⊹ Team building遊戲設計 ⊹ 教材設計


極島挑戰是一套Team Building產品開發和活動道具設計,透過模擬環境議題的故事和情景,設計跟在地文化、水資源、碳足跡和里山動物議題相關的遊戲道具,從破冰互動遊戲到進階的團隊闖關​​,融入ESG與SDGs聯合國永續發展目標,幫助企業在Team building中強化傳遞永續發展的精神和低碳生活的概念。


As extreme weather become increasingly frequent and global warming accelerates, we are facing more threats such as water scarcity, air pollution, food crises, and species extinction. “Team Building in Mission Island” is a set of team building products and activity props designed to raise environmental issues. The design includes props relevant to ESG and SDGs through storytelling and metaphor related to local culture, water resources, carbon footprint, and ecology. It helps companies to develop the idea of sustainable development during team building activities. Also through design, the game promotes teamwork, communication, and trust, enhancing team cohesion and efficiency. Through the engagement with props, participants will achieve the ability of problem solving, cultivate awareness of ESG, thus foster better team work.

遊戲設計總表 Game design overview
破冰島任務卡 Mission card design
破冰島遊戲道具 Props design
破冰島遊戲 Game activity design
生命之水任務卡 Mission card design
生命之水遊戲道具 Props design
生命之水遊戲 Game activity design
食物足跡任務卡 Mission card design
食物足跡遊戲道具 Props design
食物足跡遊戲 Game activity design
里山逃生艇任務卡 Mission card design
里山逃生艇遊戲道具 Props design
里山逃生艇遊戲 Game activity design