高雀斯 | GoJess

海報設計 | Poster Design

GoJess 高雀斯有限公司

馮淑婷 Catherine/ 馮潔欣 Kityan

海報設計 ⊹ EDM

GoJESS 是一家專注於全系列咖啡、拿鐵、珍珠奶茶產品的公司。精選 G1耶家雪菲咖啡使用耶加雪菲G1等級的咖啡豆,豐富果酸調性及回甘是耶加愛好者不可錯過的經典咖啡。海報設計呈現耶加雪菲最具代表性的花香氣及果酸,製造視覺與味覺的強烈效果。 珍珠奶茶是較年輕的產品,EDM設計用討喜的插畫風,構圖中有具台灣代表性、同時跟GoJESS logo相呼應的女王頭。

GoJESS is a company specializing in a full range of coffee, lattes, and pearl milk tea products. The selected G1 Yirgacheffe Coffee is known for its rich acidity and aftertaste. The poster design presents the most representative floral aroma and acidity of Yirgacheffe, creating a strong visual layout. Pearl milk tea is a relatively young product. The digital poster design adopts illustration, creating a cute and refreshing design.

海報設計 Poster design